Monday, April 29, 2013

Treasure Hunter: A Torchbearer Clone in less than a week.

First of all I'd like to both thank and apologize to Thor Olavsrud and Luke Crane for inspiring me to take the idea behind torchbearer and make my own game. To emphasize this point once again the following game was inspired by what I have read about Thor Olavsrud and Luke Crane's game Torchbearer and most if not all the concepts are taken from it. It was a joint collaboration and was play tested with my fellow gamers Mathew Morris and Jared Puttman. Sorry about the length of this post. It kind of reads like an instruction manual. If you have any questions about how the game is played tweet me @hungryclone


Treasure Hunt is a game involving two to four players entering a dungeon or cave in search of treasure. The end goal being to make it out alive with as much wealth as possible. Each player begins with four skills: Fight, Magic, Dungeoneering and Scavenge. Fight is the player's skill with the martial arts, Magic is the player's ability to cast spells and identify magical items, Dungeoneering is the player's skill to surmount physical obstacles in caves as well as traps found in dungeons, and Scavenge is the player's ability to find useful or valuable items as they adventure for treasure.

Character Creation-
When you create your character you assign the values 2+, 3+, 4+, and 5+ to each of these skills. This is the number you need to roll or higher to successfully use this skill on a six sided die. So for example I want to create a crafty fighter type who may have had previous dungeon crawling experience so I give him the following layout of skills: Fight 2+ Dungeoneering 3+ Scavenge 4+ Magic 5+

You are also allotted five points to spend between hit points or HP and will power or WP. When your HP are gone you are dead, your journey ends there and it is up to your comrades to continue without you. When your WP is gone your desire to continue into the depths has evaporated and all you desire is to leave as soon as possible. If half or a majority of your party has lost all WP then you can go no further into the dungeon and all movement must be made towards the exit. HP is lost when you take damage from traps or during combat. Every character must lose one WP if another member of their party dies or they encounter a monster who has the Fright ability.

When their character is created they have a backpack which is represented by a grid of four by 5 squares. Each piece of equipment will take up a certain amount of space in the backpack which will be noted in it's description in the items section. The player may choose to begin the game with any amount of equipment from the items section that they can fit in their backpack or their two hands. Items that you can choose from the items section at character creation are noted with an asterisk *.

Something to keep in mind while making a character is that light, fatigue, hunger and thirst are very important aspects of your journey. As there is no light where you are going you will need to bring a light source. One person in your party of two to four must be carrying the light source at all times. At any time you are in the dark all of your skill rolls will be modified by -2. Your Hunger, Thirst, and Fatigue increase by one for every Segment or area you travel into. When your thirst reaches five you must consume a unit of water or your Magic and Scavenging skills will be modified by -1. If you go another five Segments without drinking water you receive another cumulative -1 to your Magic and Scavenging (this will likely drop one of these two skills beyond the ability to even successfully roll it). This works the same with Hunger which instead modifies Fight and Dungeoneering. Fatigue works in the same way but instead of eating food or drinking water your party must rest every 10 segments. When you rest you re-roll room's encounter chance roll at -1 to signify the possibility of a monster wandering into the room. As well when you fail to rest all of your skills suffer a -1 to their rolls. At any time one of your skills moves beyond a 0 chance of rolling (for example a 5+ skill receiving -2 to it's roll), because of either Hunger, Thirst, or Fatigue you instead take one damage.

When you start play first determine the order in which your party will be traveling. The person in front will be labelled from now on as the leader. Then decide whether you are exploring a dungeon or a cave. Roll on the appropriate table to determine the room/chamber you enter. Next roll a dice to determine the number of exits the room has (not including the one you entered). 1-3 is one exit, 4,5 is two exits and 6 is three exits. If you are entering a dungeon area there will be a chance of a trap. Each area will have a different level of trap appearance. These are Low 5+, Moderate 4+ and High 3+. If a trap appears roll on the trap table to determine it's type. The leader is then required to make a Dungeoneering check. If they fail the trap activates. If they succeed the trap is ignored. Each area will also have a different level of encounter chance which you roll for. As with traps it is Low, Moderate and High. If you roll for an encounter roll once more. In a dungeon the type of encounter is 1-3 Beast, 4-5 Humanoid, 6 Monster unless otherwise stated in the description of the room type. Roll on the appropriate table to determine the exact Beast/Humanoid/Monster you encounter. Combat then begins (See combat). Once you have killed off any encountered creatures or have not rolled an encounter you may eat, drink, rest, move equipment around available spaces, craft equipment, cast any spells, and/or scavenge. Once these tasks have been completed. Determine the order that your party will move into the next room, choose an exit, and generate the next area. Everything that occurs in one generated area is referred to as one "Segment." Any equipment/items found or created in a Segment may be used or moved about from Character to Character or Backpack to hands etc but once the party moves onto the next area any equipment/items not in a Character's Backpack or in their hands is considered destroyed. If at any time a character must un-equip an equipment/item or remove an equipment/item from their backpack and have no room to either place it in their backpack or equip it it is "dropped" and is considered destroyed.

Before combat begins you may drink any potions or antidotes that your character has in their backpack or equipped in their hands. You may also replace an item in one hand with an item in your backpack assuming there is room for the item in your backpack for the item in your hand. Switching a club for a blade for example. Combat then resolves in the order the creatures are generated and the party enters the room. The best way to think of this is as the party lined up perpendicular to the line of the enemy kind of like this: >
The leader takes an action against the first monster (here after referred to as monster A). He makes an attack using a weapon he has equipped in his hand(s) and rolls Fight or attempts to cast a spell by rolling his Magic. If he successfully rolls his weapon damages Monster A or his spell is cast. Then the next player in line would act against the monster behind Monster A, in this case Monster B. Assuming there were only the two monsters the third party member would then act upon Monster A. The players taking all of their actions in order is referred to as a Cycle.
Combat is modified by the following abilities: Ranged or « and Reach or ≈. If a character has ≈ and the creature they are fighting against doesn't they take no damage if they fail their Fight check. If the creature has  ≈ and the character does not then the character suffers a -1 to their Fight check. If both have ≈ combat is resolved as normal. If a character has « they may chose where to direct their attack. For instance if Player 2 would normally have to fight Creature A they could instead choose to direct the attack to damage Creature C. The following player in the party line up, Player 3, would instead pick up the the order again and would direct his next action at Creature A. If the creature has « and the character does not then the character suffers a -1 to their Fight check. If both have « combat is resolved as normal. A player with « ignores the effect of a creature with ≈.
If a character decides to cast a spell it must be the first action they attemp in that combat. The following round they may attempt to cast the same spell if they have any remaining scrolls or uses in a book of that spell. If they do not then they may not cast a different type of spell for their following actions.

To scavenge in an area one player tests their Scavenge skill. If successful they roll on the scavenge table to determine what it is that they found. The remaining players may attempt to "Aid" their party member. They roll their own Scavenge skill and for every successful test may alter one of the rolls of the player making the primary Scavenge test by -1 or +1. This is to represent the party banding together to search a room or area. Certain rooms and areas guarantee an automatically successful roll on the treasure, mundane item, or magical item table or a specific item to be found regardless of success or failure on the Scavenge test.

The following are the profiles for the creatures encountered by the party. Each ∆ indicates how much damage they inflict. Each • indicates the HP each creature has. « indicates that the creature's attack is ranged. ≈ indicates that the creature's attack has reach. ∞ indicates an ability that activates at the beginning of every cycle. ! indicates an ability that activates before the beginning of combat. If a monster has the poison ability roll for the effect of the poison when it first damages a player using the poison trap table. That creature's poison will have the same effect for this combat. Also for alphabetical listing the word "Giant" has been removed from all of the mundane creatures. Assume then that a Bat is a Giant Bat or that a Slug is a Giant Slug.

Banshee ∆/•• Fright. Undead. Takes no damage from non-magical weapons.

Bat «∆/•

Beetle ∆/• Takes no damage from clubs.

Cave Bear ≈∆∆/•••

Chimera ≈∆∆/•• Poison

Cultist ∆/• Roll for each cultist's attack type when they appear. 1-2 Spear(≈), 3-4 Blade(Normal) 5-6 Magic(Roll for which spell this cultist has on the Creature Magic Table). Summon: If all of the cultists present are not killed in one cycle a Demon appears in the lead position of the enemy line up.

Cyclops ≈∆∆/••• Smash: When a character fails their action against the cyclops roll a die. On a 4+ it swings its mighty club and does one damage to the entire party. On 1-3 it instead does it's regular damage to the character who failed the action.

Dark Dwarf ∆/• Roll for each Dark Dwarf's attack type when they appear. 1-3 Club(Normal, 4-6(Firebomb:∆ To the whole party) The party automatically receives a treasure if they defeat Dark Dwarves.

Deep Elf ∆/• Roll for each Deep Elf's attack type when they appear. 1-3 Crossbow(«), 4-6Magic(Roll for which spell this Deep Elf has on the Creature Magic Table). The party automatically receives a treasure if they defeat Deep Elves.

Demon ∆∆/• Takes no damage from non-magical weapons.

Dragon «∆∆∆/•••• Fright. The party receives an additional treasure if they defeat a Dragon.

Eye Monster «∆/•• Beam: If a character takes damage from an Eye Monster roll a die. On a 4+ the next character in line takes 1 damage.

Floating Brain «∆/••

Fungal Beast ∆/•••• Poison. Regenerate∞: The Fungal Beast gains back one HP up to its starting amount. The Fungal Beast takes ∆∆ from fire spells instead of ∆. The party automatically receives a mushroom and a slime if they defeat a Fungal Beast.

Ghost ∆/• Fright. Undead. Takes no damage from non magical weapons.

Goblin ∆/• Roll for each Deep Elf's attack type when they appear. 1,2 Crossbow(«) 3,4 Blade(Nothing) 5,6 Spear(≈)

Golem ∆∆/•• No damage from blades.

Gorgon ∆/•• Petrify∞: The party's leader is frozen. Their next action automatically fails.

Hydra ∆∆/••• Regenerate∞: The Hydra gains back one HP up to its starting amount.

Lich /•••• Undead. Roll on the Creature Magic Table each time it would damage a character. Raise Dead∞: Roll a die. On a 1-3 a Zombie appears at the end of the enemy lineup. On a 4-6 Skeleton appears at the end of the lineup. If the Lich is killed any Zombie or Skeleton that was created by this ability is automatically destroyed.

Lizard ∆/••

Manticore ∆/••• Poison

Minotaur ∆/••• Charge!: ∆ to the party leader.

Ogre ∆∆/••

Orc ∆/•• Roll for each Orc's attack type when they appear.

Rust Beast ∆/•• Rust: When a rust beast damages a character all equipment in their hands that is metal (Italicized on the equipment list) is destroyed.

Skeleton ∆/• Undead. Roll for each Skeleton's attack type when they appear. 1,2 Crossbow(«) 3,4 Blade(Nothing) 5,6 Spear(≈) Takes no damage from blades or spears.

Slug ∆/•• No damage from blades or clubs.

Slimes No damage from weapons

Snake ∆/• Poison

Troll ≈∆∆/••• Regenerate∞: The Troll gains back one HP up to its starting amount.
Troglodytes ∆/• Roll for each Troglodyte's attack type when they appear. 1-3 Crossbow(«) 4-6 Spear(≈)

Worm ∆/•••

Zombie ∆/• Undead. No damage from blades.


Equipment/Items marked with * before their names may be taken in any frequency during character creation. Equipment/Items with other equipment/items written between two brackets [] can be made by using up those equipment/items. Beneath the description of each equipment/item will be a series of blocks indicating it's shape and how many grid blocks of your backpack it takes up. Any items described as Liquid must be used in the Segment they are found or created in unless there is an empty oil container or canteen to put them in. Any equipment/items may be rotated to better fit in the backpack. Any equipment/item not marked as "Two-handed" can be held in one hand. Any equipment/item in italics contains Metal.

Antidote - [Moss, Slime] Antidote. Drink to end the effects of any poison.

*Blade - ∆

*Bolt - [Scrap Metal] Ammunition for crossbow

*Bolt Clip - Ammunition for crossbow. Holds four shots. May be reloaded with found/constructed bolts.

Book - Contains four uses of a spell. When found roll on the spell table to determine which spell. When the last use of the spell is cast it disappears. If no spells are used from a book it is worth Wealth 2 when you exit the Dungeon/Cave. Two-handed.

*Booze - Drink to regain one WP. Three uses.

*Canteen - Used to hold water. Starts with Three units of water.

*Club - ∆

Courage Potion - [Moss, Crystal] Liquid. Drink to prevent the next loss of WP this character would take.

Crossbow - «∆. Must have bolts to be used.

Crystal - Material. Wealth 1. 

Firebomb - [Empty Oil Containter, Crystal] Throw using Fight in combat to do one damage to all enemies.

*Flint - [Scrap Metal] Used to light Torches and Lanterns.

Heal Potion - [Crystal, Slime] Liquid. Drink to regain 2 HP up to your starting HP.

*Lantern - Comes with three units of oil inside of it. Provides light. Uses one unit of oil per segment.

Moss - Material

Mushroom - Material. Counts as one unit of food.

*Oil Container - Holds oil. Starts with Five units of oil inside.

*Ration - Counts as one unit food.

*Rope - If used the entire party passes their Dungeoneering check at one "Drop off" (must be left behind). If used the Leader passes their Dungeoneering at a "Cliff" the rest of the party automatically passes their checks (does not need to be left behind).

Scrap Metal- Material

*Scroll - Contains one use of a spell. When found or before you roll for your first segment roll on the spell table to determine which spell. When the last use of the spell is cast it disappears. Two-handed.

Shoddy Blade - [2x Scrap Metal] ∆. The first time its user fails their Fight check it is destroyed.

Shoddy Club - [Wood] ∆. The first time its user fails their Fight check it is destroyed.

Shoddy Shield - (Can not be carried in your backpack) [Wood, Vines] Prevents one damage to a minimum of 1. The first time it prevents damage it is destroyed.

Shoddy Spear -  (Can not be carried in your backpack) [Wood, Scrap Metal] ≈∆ Two-handed. The first time its user fails their Fight check it is destroyed.

*Shield (Can not be carried in your backpack) Prevents one damage to a minimum of 1.

Slime - Material

*Spear (Can not be carried in your backpack) ≈∆ Two-handed.

Speed Potion - [Crystal, Mushroom] Liquid. Drink to re-roll the next skill test you make.

*Torch - [Wood, Moss] Provides light. Lasts for three segments.

Vines - Material

Wood - Material

Magic Items
When you find a Magic Item it is "unidentified." Before you roll to see what spell the item has or what type it is (for a shield/sword) it must be "identified" with a successful Magic check. If it is failed and a character attempts to use it it deals 1 damage to them and then the spell/type is rolled.

Book: (See Equipment/Item description) 

Horn of Plenty: Makes 1 ration every 5 segments. Worth Wealth 3.

Holy Symbol: Use before the start of combat. All Undead are automatically destroyed. Must be equipped to use. When used it disappears. Worth Wealth 2.

Magic whistle: Roll a die at the beginning of combat. On a 4+  any beasts in the area flee before combat begins. Must be equipped to use. Worth Wealth 1.

Scroll: (See Equipment/Item description)

Shield: (See Equipment/Item description). Roll a die to determine type. 1 Cursed-Can not be dropped and does not prevent damage, 2-4 Floating- Takes no hands to use. Damage reduction does not stack with a Shield spell or an equipped shield, 5-6 Deflection -No damage from «. If not Cursed worth Wealth 1.
Wand: Roll for spell. If equipped in a hand may be used to cast the spell during combat. There are unlimited uses. Worth Wealth 2.

Weapon: (See Equipment/Item description for specific weapon details) 1,2 Blade 3,4 Club 5 Spear 6 Crossbow. Roll a die to determine type. 1 Cursed- Can not be dropped and character receives -1 to Fight checks,  2-4 Swift- Character may re-roll a failed Fight check. Does not stack with the Speed potion or spell, 5-6 Keen ∆∆. If not Cursed worth Wealth 1. 

Each segment may only be Scavenged once. If there is a trap in a room, whether it goes off or not, it is only interacted with once (that is if your party returns to the room the Leader does not need to make another Dungeoneering check). A √ indicates that only the leader will have to make a Dungeoneering check for the party to move to the next area. A √√ indicates that all party members will have to make a Dungeoneering check in order to move to the next area. These are followed with the penalty for failing. A party may always choose to head back to the previous area instead of attempting to make checks. In each area's description they will have two words with a slash between. The first indicates the frequency of encounters and the latter the frequency of traps ie "High/Low." If there is a dash there is no chance of either an encounter or trap.

Armory: Low/High. If a party Scavenges in an armory they automatically receive a weapon from the Mundane Item table and on a 4+ receive a Magic Weapon from the Magic Item table.

Burial: Moderate/- Instead of the normal encounter table roll on the Undead table.

Cliff: Low/- √√

Crevice: Low/- √√Death

Crush: Low/- You may only pass with a single hand equipped with an item.

Dead End: Moderate/- A dead end has no chance of exits.

Drop Off: Low/- √√Death

Flooded: Moderate/Low. Characters are at -1 to their Fight checks and can not make Scavenge.

Fountain: Moderate/Low. Characters can drink water from the Fountain and may refill any canteens.

Frozen:  Low/- √∆ If a fire spell is cast this Segment instead becomes a Lake.

Fungal Forest: High/- When a party Scavenges a Fungal Forest they automatically receive two mushrooms.

Hallway: Low/Moderate

Laboratory High/Mod. If a party Scavenges in a Laboratory they automatically receive a potion from the Mundane Item list and a second potion on a roll of a 4+.

Lake: Moderate/- Characters are at -1 to their Fight checks and can not make Scavenge checks.

Lava Flow: Low/- √∆ No Scavenge checks may be made.

Lava Chamber: Low/- √√∆ No Scavenge checks may be made.

Library: Low/Moderate. If a party Scavenges in a library they automatically receive a Scroll and on a 4+ receive a Book.

Mud: Moderate/- Characters are at -1 to their Fight and Scavenge checks.
Mundane Items.

Open Chamber:  Moderate/-

Ritual Chamber: High/Low. Roll a die when you enter. On a 1-4 There are no exits. On a 5,6 there are exits, roll as normal. Instead of rolling on the normal table select the Cultist encounter.

River: High/- Characters can drink water from the River and may refill any canteens.

Room: Moderate/Low

Ruins: Moderate/Low If there are two or three exits rolled out of a Ruin one of them leads out of the Cave into a Dungeon or vice versa. Begin rolling on the Dungeon or Cave tables respectively.

Tunnel: Low/-

Tomb: Moderate/High. Roll a die when you enter. On a 1-4 There are no exits. On a 5,6 there are exits, roll as normal. Instead of the normal encounter table roll on the Undead table. If a party Scavenges in a Tomb they automatically receive a treasure and on a 4+ receive a Magic Item.

Settlement: High/Low Only roll on the Humanoid table for encounters in Settlements. When a party Scavenges a Settlement they automatically receive two Mundane Items.

Stairs: Low/Low

Store Room: Low/Moderate. Roll a die when you enter. On a 1-4 There are no exits. On a 5,6 there are exits, roll as normal. If a party Scavenges in a Store Room they automatically receive two

Submerged: -/- √√ If the party does succeed in passing to the next area they must use Flint to light their torches or lanterns.

Spells may only be cast from scrolls or books that the character has in their own backpack or equipped in their hands. Both a successful and failed attempt at casting a spell will take up one use. So a character who fails to cast a fire spell from a scroll in their backpack discards that scroll.

Courage: Prevents the next loss of WP to target.

Fire: ≈∆

Heal: Target regains 2 HP up to their starting HP.

Ice: ≈∆ Target is Frozen.

Light: Counts as light source for next 3 Segments.

Lightning: ≈∆ If successful roll a die. On a 4+ another creature of the caster's choice (not the same creature) is hit for ∆.

Shield: Target counts as holding a shield in the current segment.

Speed: Target re-rolls next skill check. This does not stack with the Speed potion.

Petrify: Target is Frozen.

Platform: The party automatically passes the Dungeoneering check for a Dropoff, Cliff, Crevice, Frozen, Lavaflow, or Lava Chamber.

Teleport: The party automatically exits the Dungeon/Cave.


Cave Area: 2d62: Dead End
3: Settlement
4: Odd- 1-3 Frozen 4-6 Fungal Forest
5: Obstacle- 1,2 Drop Off, 3,4 Cliff 5,6 Crevice
6: Open Chamber
7: Tunnel
8: Moist- 1,2 Mud 3,4 River 5 Lake 6 Submerged
9: Hot- 1-3 Lava Flow 4-6 Lava Chamber
10: Ruins
11: Crush
12: Burial

Dungeon Area: 2d6
2: Ritual Chamber
3: Store Room
4 Fountain
5 Tomb
6 Room
7 Hallway
8 Moist- 1-3 Flooded 4-6 Submerged
9 Stairs10: Armory
11: Library
12: Laboratory

Cave Encounter Table: d6
1-3:  Beast
4-5: Humanoid
6: Monster

Dungeon Encounter Table: d6
1-2:  Beast
3-4: Humanoid
5: Monster
6: Undead

Trap Type: d6
1: Fire- ∆ to party
2: Spike- ∆ to Leader
3: Petrification- Leader is Frozen
4: Poison- Leader is Poisoned.
5: Silence- No spells may be cast this Segment
6: Rusting- All metal items equipped by the party are destroyed

Poison: d6 (-1 to the following Skills for this Segment. Any WP or HP is permanent)
1: Fight
2: Magic
3: Dungeoneering
4: Scavenging
5: WP
6: HP

Treasure: 2d6
2: Jeweled Scepter: Wealth 4
3: Ancient Scroll: Wealth 4
4: Bag of Gems: Wealth 3
5: Pouch of Coins: Wealth 2

6: Necklace: Wealth 2
7: Crystal: Wealth 2

8: Statue: Wealth 2
9: Gold Bar: Wealth 3
10: Crystal Orb: Wealth 4
11: Golden Crown: Wealth 4
12: Alchemist Stone: Wealth 5

Scavenge: d6
1-3: Ingredient- 1,2 Slime (d3) 3,4 Moss (d3) , 5 Mushroom (d2) , 6 Crystal (d2)
4-5: Material- 1,2 Wood 3,4 Scrap Metal (d2) 5,6 Vines (d2)
6: Item- 1-4 Mundane Item 5,6 Magic Item

Mundane Items: 2d6
2:Weapon- 1,2 Blade 3,4 Club 5 Spear 6 Crossbow
4: Lantern
5: Oil
6: Flint
7: Rope
8: Shield
9: Booze
10: Consumable: 1-4 Canteen 5-6 Ration
11: Ammo: 1-4 Bolt 5,6 Bolt Clip
12: Potion: 1,2 Antidote 3-4 Courage 5 Speed 6 Heal

Magic Items: 2d6
2: Wand
3,4: Scroll
5: Shield 1 Curse 2-4 Floating 5,6 Deflection
6-8: Weapon: 1,2 Blade 3,4 Club 5 Spear 6 Crossbow Type: 1 Curse 2-4 Swift 5,6 Keen
9: Magic Whistle
10: Horn of Plenty
11: Book
12: Holy Symbol

Spells: 2d6
2: Light
3: Speed
4: Heal
5: Courage
6: Ice
7: Fire
8: Shield
9: Lightning
10: Petrify
11: Platform
12: Teleport

Creature Magic: d6
1: Poison
2: Fire
3: Ice
4: Lightning
5: Petrify
6: Rust

MONSTER ENCOUNTER TABLES: (2 Players/3 Players/4 Players)
Beasts: 2d6
2: Rust Beast/(d2)/(d3)
3: Snakes (1d2)/+1/+2
4: Worm/(d2)/(d2+1)
5: Beetles (1d2)/+1/+2
6: Bats (1d3)/+1/+2
7: Spiders (1d3)/+1/+2
8: Wolves (1d3)/+1/+2
9: Lizards (1d2)/+1/+2
10: Slug/d2/d2+1
11: Slimes (1d3)/+1/+2
12: Cave Bear/d2/d3

Monsters: 2d6 (Rewards: Treasure, magic item 4+)
2: Fungal Beast/+Slime/+2 Slime
3: Chimera/+ Wolf/+2 Wolves
4: Demon/+ Bat/+2 Bats
5: Gorgon/+ Snake/+2 Snakes
6: Floating Brain/+Deep Elf/+Deep Elf and Dark Dwarf
7: Golem/+Dark Dwarf/+2 Dark Dwarves
8: Gargoyle/+ Bat/+2 Bats
9: Eye Monster/+ Skeleton/+ 2 Skeletons
10: Manticore/+Spider/+2Spiders
11: Hydra/+Troglodyte/+2 Toglodytes
12: Dragon/+Lizard/+2 Lizards

Undead: 2d6
2,4: Zombie d3/+1/+2
5-7: Skeleton d3/+1/+2 
8, 9: Ghost/+Skeleton/+2 Skeletons
10, 11: Banshee/+1 Zombie/+2 Zombies
12: Lich/+1 Zombies/+2 Zombies

Humanoids: 2d6 (1 mundane item, treasure4+)
2: Cyclops/+Wolf/+2 Wolves
3: Dark Dwarves (d3)/+1/+Golem
4: Ogre/+d2 Goblins/+d2 Orcs
5: Orcs (1d3)/+d2 Goblins/1 and +d2 Goblins
6: Goblins (1d2+2)/+Wolf/+2 Wolves
7: Troglodytes (1d2+2)/+lizard/+2 lizards
8: Goblins (1d2+2)/+Wolf/+2 Wolves
9: Cultists (3)/+ Cultist/+Cultist and Demon
10: Troll/+d2 Goblins/+d2 Goblins and Orc
11: Deep Elves (1d2+1)/+Deep Elf/+ Deep Elf and Spider
12: Minotaur/+1 Deep Elf/+2 Deep Elves